It is the transportation of goods in such a way that it is delivered before the usual time of shipment.

In which type of transportation is Express Transportation mostly used?

Express road transport is also frequently used in today’s world where air transport is more preferred.


Save on less time-sensitive deliveries of 2 to 5 days while enjoying reliable and customs-cleared, time-bound services door-to-door.

Delivery by noon within 1 to 3 business days to selected destinations in Asia, Canada, Europe and the USA.

Deliveries to over 220 countries and regions within 1-3 business days.

Our premium air freight service will deliver your heavy loads worldwide within 1-3 business days.

You can get your special packaging needs without problems and at reasonable prices with the expert team of CEHA EXPRESS.

• Additional costs may apply at remote delivery points. We kindly ask you to contact your sales representative.
• Additional costs may be reflected in war zone, risk zone, extraordinary situations. ( Pandemic etc. ). We kindly ask you to contact your sales representative.
• Transit times are the average of arrivals at the airport in the country of departure and destination. The services are such that there will be door-to-door. (Door to door)

Pioneering Solutions in
Express Transportation

Continuing to Lead in
Express Logistics

Pioneering Solutions in
Express Transportation

Continuing to Lead in
Express Logistics